Advisory Email – March 2019

In the view of transparency, below is an excerpt from an advisory email I sent this month:

Besides writing good subject lines that get high open rates, it has indeed been an amazing March (I turned 31 on International Women’s Day). I’d love to share some of the amazing milestones that I’m grateful for this month 🙂


  • Impact Career Fair
    • Registrations are flooding in, almost 80 signed up already with still 2 months to go.
    • The venue is confirmed, RADIUS SFU is joining us as a co-organizer and sponsoring the Segal Graduate School of Business on Granville & Pender for the venue!
    • VoiceStory is joining as a supporting partner to help companies create amazing brand ambassadors at the event. Winston and Mat are amazing at helping others tell authentic and highly relatable stories.
    • Vancouver is Awesome (VIA) has reached out to offer a PR piece highlighting some of the companies at the fair. It’ll be an amazing opportunity for companies to highlight the great work they’re doing, further spread their message about their mission and attract amazing talent, and get a good SEO boost. This is a paid promotional piece – let me know if you’re taking a booth and would like more details.
    • Company sign-ups are pouring in, I’ve updated the event page with a list of companies that are interested/confirmed. New additions this month include ProcurifyBoardbandTV, RED Academy. They’re all doing some amazing impactful work and I’m excited to have them join!
  • Primer Workshops
    • Hosted an amazing event with some kickass ladies on the panel: Communicating your Values and Culture to Secure and Ace Job Interviews. Solid takeaways summarized in this blog post here.
  • HR Roundtable
    • This is new and unexpected. 
    • I shared the idea or organizing a roundtable bringing together some of Vancouver’s top HR leaders with Bram Eekhout and Paul Lopousushinsky back in March and they really liked it.
    • Turns out, unlike for Product Managers, Developers, or Entrepreneurs, there aren’t any strong HR-related community events in the city.
    • It practically exploded once we shared it out and we now have HR leaders from companies like MEC, Saje, DWave, Unbounce, BBTV, Clio, Bench Accounting, Clearly Contacts, Avenue HQ, Chimp, Eventbase, SMAK, Semios, 7Geese, Left, Nada, and Abcellera involved.
    • The first meeting happened on March 19th, the next meeting is scheduled for April 9th. Let me know if you have someone from HR in your organization who would love to attend.


  • Paul for connections to amazing HR leaders in Vancouver and making the HR Roundtable possible.
  • Teresa Duke, Jennifer Chan, Danielle Burke, Charina Cruz, Julie Tremblay for being amazing as panelist and making the workshop a huge success.
  • Charlotte and Toby (my wife and son) for being amazingly supportive and helping out with registration for the workshop.


  • I’d love to see some representation from non-profits at the fair. If you know any that are hiring, I would love an intro!
  • I’d really love to get LUSH involved given their strong ethical and environmental ethos, appreciate any connections to them.

Next: April 2019 Advisory Newsletter

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  1. Pingback: Advisory Email - February 2019 - ClassyNarwhal

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