Step 1: Validating The Need For A Mission+Values First Hiring Platform

This platform sounds like a great idea, but I’m in over my head and need to test my assumptions in a methodological way to determine if it really has legs.

What are the most pressing assumptions?

  • Companies (entrepreneurs/hiring managers) are self-aware and clear about their mission and values.
  • There is a problem with recruiting talent and maintaining low employee turnover.
  • Job Seekers are clear about their passion and values.
  • Job Seekers believe that it’s more effective to apply with quality > quantity.
  • No one else is really solving this problem the way I believe it needs to be.

How I’m validating:

  1. Customer Discovery. Interview Job Seekers, Entrepreneurs, Hiring Managers, Recruiters to uncover their challenges with hiring and retaining talent. Try to uncover what they believe is causing some of these challenges.
  2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Workshops for Job Seekers and Employers on Value-Based Hiring to determine if there is an appetite for this new methodology and assess who I’m able to attract to said workshops.
  3. MVP version 2. Organize a Career Fair which creates space for companies to highlight their Mission+Vision and assess if they are able to recruit better quality talent from it.
  4. Create a listing system that allows companies to easily highlight their mission, vision, and values to attract the right type of talent for their organization.


Jan 2019: Cx Discovery + Workshop

Feb 2019: Workshops

Mar 2019: Career Fair

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