Advisory Email – October 2020

In the view of transparency, below is an excerpt from an advisory email I sent this month:



  • 4 sessions, 28 attendees, 256 views on social
  • Average attendance rate (attendance/registrations) = 30%.

Current audience size = 1507 subscribers (-25%), manually unsubscribed more, better to have an engaged list than a big inactive one.

Other engagements:

  • Creating a Sales + Marketing Strategy @ Vancouver Startup Week (>120 attendees)
  • Customer Discovery @ Startup Boost Vancouver Fall Cohort.
  • Solving Global Problems & Sparking Change @ Thrive
  • Mentoring a team for Cooperathon and an entrepreneur through the BCITSA Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program.


  • Big drop in attendance rate for webinars, possibly because:
    • 2 of 4 webinars were for the #DGB Challenge, which did not take off.
    • People are Zoom fatigued.
  • The other 2 were pre-recorded, attendance rate = 47% (in-line with average attendance for free webinars).
  • If you missed my breakdown on cancelling the #DGB Challenge, you can read about it here.
  • Started an ad marketing experiment but cut it short because of a decision to pivot.


  • Yup, this is Pivot #3. Not necessarily a bad thing, read more about it here.
  • With this new change, I’ll be partnering up with:
  • These partnerships will allow ClassyNarwhal to bring a deeper level of strategy & process expertise to help startups with scaling.


  • Joshua Tiong for providing advice related to an opportunity with BDC.
  • Tiffany Shen for inspiring action and collaboration opportunities.

Lots of cool stuff happening this month so I had to include some of my favourites:

  1. For female entrepreneurs – 10 days left (Oct 23 deadline) to apply for FWE’s Pitch for the Purse. Winner walks away with $25,000 CASH.
  2. Janis Lanka has been organizing some interesting facilitated book discussions to create a better “book club” experience + increase knowledge retention. They recently covered Atomic Habits by James Clear. Follow him on LinkedIn for future sessions.
  3. Interviewing for a job soon? Check out BeConfident – a virtual reality + artificial intelligence platform that simulates job interviews.
  4. Need some development work done? Mike and the team at ThinkingLab have done some great work, I can vouch for them and some of the companies I’ve worked with have used their services.
  5. Need to deal with HR admin work but don’t have the capacity to hire a FT HR Manager? PEO Canada has you covered. They’re not a HR software/platform, instead, they provide HR support as a service.

Instead of an ask this month, it’s a GIVE.

With my new focus and partnerships to provide Revenue + Process Optimization services, if you are

  • Looking for ways to increase profits through better conversion, pricing, or reducing sales cycles.
  • Or looking to consolidate processes to reduce cost/overhead.

We’re down to help with a free strategy + assessment session.

I promise, this isn’t just a sales call. We’ll provide tangible advice that you can implement in your business. If you need help with implementation, then of course, we can provide more support.

Next: November 2020 Advisory Newsletter

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  1. Pingback: Advisory Email – September 2020 - ClassyNarwhal

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