Advisory Email – May 2019

In the view of transparency, below is an excerpt from an advisory email I sent this month:

Can’t believe Impact Career Fair 2019 is happening next week. May has been a busy month with some amazing updates.


  • Impact Career Fair (ICF2019)
    • 817 registered! 609 registered in the last month!
    • Only 2 boothing spots remaining.
    • New: C2CAN, EY, Social Nature, Login Radius, Evo, O2E Brands
    • Total hiring companies: 17
    • Received media coverage from DailyHive and Vancouver is Awesome
  • Primer Workshops (ALL DONE)
    • Hosted Faris Khalifeh, Quiet Leadership coach for a session on Career Networking for Introverts (sold-out event with a full room of 41 people).
  • HR Roundtable
    • Lots of new faces this month (TPD, TaskTop, SES Consulting, Image Engine), welcome! Key takeaways include:
    1. Creating an onboarding menu to allow for a customizable onboarding experience for people with different learning preferences.
    2. Reframing managers as coaches/mentors + having a different career progression stream for technical vs. people-oriented individuals.


  • Faris Khalifeh for hosting an inspiring workshop and supporting introverts with leveraging their strengths to network.
  • Vivian McCormick from Spring and Cecilia Lu from Venture for Canada for introducing me to a contact at DailyHive.
  • Mat Boyer from VoiceStory for hosting a workshop on Building Brand Ambassadors for the companies that are boothing at the fair.
  • Mayra Fraga for doing an amazing job rallying volunteers for the fair.
  • Lei Huang (congrats on the job offer and all the best in Toronto!) and Daniel Perrett for logistics planning for the fair.
  • Carlinda from Preview Careers for bringing on EY and O2E Brands.
  • Juan Cifuentes for continual support on marketing and communications (also congrats on your new role!)


  1. Take some much-needed downtime in June to reflect and recoup after the fair.
  2. Decide on how to evolve and continue to add value through
    • In the past 4 months of exposing myself to both companies and job seekers, I’ve decided that working with companies will be my primary focus (still with the end intention of helping more people find work they love).
    • Welcome any interest in brainstorming ideas around the revenue model and next steps for the platform.
  3. Debating if I should run Impact Career Fair 2020 in Singapore (I plan on returning to Malaysia for 3 months at the end of the year).
    • Not ready for intros, but welcome any discussions if you believe you know organizations and partners in the region that I can speak to should I decide to do this.

Next: June 2019 Advisory Newsletter

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  1. Pingback: Advisory Email - April 2019 - ClassyNarwhal

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