Advisory Email – November 2020

In the view of transparency, below is an excerpt from an advisory email I sent this month:


It’s been an inspiring month. I was Invited by TechYukon and Yukonstruct to design and co-facilitate Design Jam Local (DJL) 2020, a 24-hour virtual ideation challenge to spur collaboration and surface solutions that would benefit the tourism and small business sector impacted by COVID-19.

Organizing this challenge took up a good chunk of the month but was extremely rewarding. Read about some of the amazing ideas and watch the final pitches here.


  • 3 sessions (all pre-recorded webinars), 5 views
  • Average attendance rate (attendance/registrations) = 15%.

Current audience size = 1515 subscribers (+0.5%).

Other engagements:

  • Cooperathon Pitch Mentorship.
  • Ongoing BCITSA Entrepreneur Mentorship.


  • Virtual workshops are saturated. Also noticing poor attendance with other webinars that I’ve been registering for:
    • That said, I’ll continue scheduling the existing pre-recorded webinar lineup for Q1 2021 since it is already completely automated.
  • To wrap up the year, I’ll be focusing on:
    • Nordland Consulting has developed a quotation calculator tool that helps service-based businesses streamline their sales negotiation process and increase transparency with clients. We’ll be working together to pilot this tool for a few businesses.
    • Completing my book.
    • Email outreach.
    • Revisiting ad marketing campaign that I had to put on hold.


  • TechYukon for involving me in this year’s DJL.
  • John Glynn-Morris for being an amazing co-facilitator for DJL.
  • Tiffany Shen for brainstorming a podcast opportunity.
  • Andy Mo for reaching out to discuss a collaboration opportunity to support Canadian Hydrogen-tech companies.
  • Daniel Perrett for a great product ideation session.
  • Leigh Sembaluk for continual support with publishing my first book.


If your project quotation process sounds like “Hmmm, $3,000 for this project sounds about right”, then Natalya and I can definitely help you with formalizing it regardless of how complex you think it is. Our quotation calculator will help you save time and make it easier for you to close prospects through improving transparency in your sales process.

  • Reach out if you’d like a demo of a sample calculator we created.

Book title vote! What would most likely catch your eye and make you want to pick it up and read.

Next: December 2020 Advisory Newsletter

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  1. Pingback: Advisory Email – October 2020 - ClassyNarwhal

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