Advisory Email – March 2021

In the view of transparency, below is an excerpt from an advisory email I sent this month:

Pricing Estimation Calculator (PEC)

  • Completed development of 2 more PECs.
  • People are interested in using a customer-facing interface (as a form instead of a spreadsheet) to aid with qualifying leads.
  • To meet that demand, we’ve expanded into developing responsive forms (e.g. people see different questions depending on how they answer) and automated assessments (e.g. people get different evaluations depending on how they answer your questions). Here’s a quick 1-min video of what it looks like




  • Lana Selbee from Yukonstruct for the opportunity to facilitate their STEM-to-Market Bootcamp
  • Everyone who supported with the book launch by pre-ordering a copy of the e-book!


  • If you know someone struggling through a career transition, exploring starting a business but not sure what to do, or a new graduate, recommend my book (of course only if you believe in the value that I have to give).

Next: April 2021 Advisory Newsletter

1 thought on “Advisory Email – March 2021”

  1. Pingback: Advisory Email – February 2021 - ClassyNarwhal

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