2022 year in review

Nothing like looking back on what you accomplished (and didn’t accomplish) in the past year to put your growth goals in perspective.

Here’s my progress, both on the business, but also personal (because businesses are run by people after all). Not done as a form of bragging (because this pace of growth really isn’t much to brag about), but to improve awareness and normalize the discourse around business challenges, the humans behind the business, and authentic communication.

By the numbers

2022 is year-3 for ClassyNarwhal

Revenue: $95,432.70 ($50,432.69 closed, $45,000 in payments pending)

Expenses: $6,604.34

Net Profit: $88,828.36

Not accounting for my CPP, EI, and Tax dues which will be filed in Mar 2023 (~$12,000-$15,000)


  • 95% revenue came from consulting, 5% from workshops. In-line with my intentions coming out of 2021 to focus on consulting projects.
  • 85% revenue from 1 client (❤️ Ziad). Not the healthiest balance, ideally I’m striving to have 70% revenue from at least top-3 clients (with an almost equal split), and 30% from other minor projects.


  • Launched the Startup Fuckup podcast (inc. 2X episodes,12 episodes recorded)
  • Wrapped up cohort 1 of the North of AI program with Tech Yukon and started cohort 2.
  • Added 3 new clients to my ongoing list of 2
  • Hosted 23 webinars with 83 attendees (because it was difficult to secure a venue host for in-person workshops + commit to doing in-person with my 2nd baby).
  • Did I mention? Welcomed our 2nd child 👶
  • Moved into our newly completed 2-bedroom apartment, became strata council president for the building, then got shafted by the 4% increase in mortgage rate (I know I’m not the only one + on variable too, but it still hurts😭)
  • 10 blog posts written. Top 2 are:


  • Put plans for starting mastermind groups for the business on hold till 2024. To make time for family + wait for the market to properly recover from the COVID induced fear of in-person gatherings.
  • Decrease in revenue compared to 2021. Because I took some time off in Mar & Apr to move to the new place and support with the 2nd baby and took more time off in Nov & Dec to support with my wife who fell sick, spend more time with family, and catch up on some me-time gaming. Besides, Dec is notoriously slow.

In review, a reminder to be kind to yourself, be patient, and persevere.

What’s on the horizon?

I’m keen to launch Generational Dinners around July/August 2023. An initiative to bring together individuals from different age groups to share and learn from each other on a variety of topics like purpose discovery, building your personal brand, parenting, dating & sex, business building, investing, career progression, and more.

If this perks your interest, either as something you’d like to help materialize, or as something you’d like to attend. I’d love to hear from you!

To track my other year-end reviews:

1 thought on “2022 year in review”

  1. Pingback: 2021 Year-end Financial Review - ClassyNarwhal

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